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Doctoral Degree

In the Doctoral Degree Program, the student must complete 48 (credits, distributed as follows: 36 credits in courses and 12 credits in the development of the Doctoral dissertation. Three compulsory courses must be chosen from a list of seven and this choice should be done in accordance with the dissertation supervisor. The public defense of the dissertation is a necessary requirement for the obtainment of the degree.

The regular program has a minimum duration two years and a maximum of four years.

Applicants for the Doctoral Program should apply for admission through a selection process carried out by PósENQ/UFSC twice a year. Specific calls for applications are announced every 6 months and are available on our website in the “PROCESSO SELETIVO” section.

The following documents are required for application:

  • Application form (available in the “PROCESSO SELETIVO” section)
  • One photo (5×7 cm) – pdf format
  • Study plan (maximum 2 pages) – containing the indication of a research topic of interest (provided by the supervisors), an explanation about the motivation to do research on the selected topic, a short report about previous academic and professional experience and a research proposal on the topic selected. Applicants can apply for  up to two research topics, submitting a study plan for each topic.
  • A single document (pdf format) containing:
    – Certificate of undergraduate and master’s degree completion;
    – Undergraduate and master’s transcript;
    – Curriculum Vitae;
    – Proof of participation in research projects at undergraduate level (indicating the number of semesters or equivalent);
    – Proof of intellectual production (first page of articles, books, chapters, etc.);
    – Copy of the passport.

In addition, two reference letters must be filled out and sent by professionals chosen by the applicant. These reference letters must be sent directly from the e-mail address of the referee.

A Selection Committee designated by the Program Coordination is responsible for reviewing the documents and ranking the applicants in descending order, considering the total score obtained. Scholarships may be granted for the first ranked applicants in each research topic, upon availability.

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