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Palestra: Green Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles with Endemic Plants of Chile and Their Applications to Remove Pollutants

30/05/2019 17:36

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O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química tem o prazer de convidá-los para assistir a palestra intitulada:

Green Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles with Endemic Plants of Chile and Their Applications to Remove Pollutants

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Erico Roman Carmona Ortiz

Instituição: Departamento de Procesos Industriales – Núcleo de Investigación en Bioproductos y Materiales Avanzados – Universidad Católica de Temuco – Temuco, Chile

Local: Auditório I do Departamento de Engenharia Química e Engenharia de Alimentos (52 lugares)

Data: 06/06/2019 – quinta-feira

Horário: 10h00min


The nanotechnology is one of the most promising emerging technologies of the 21st century, improving industrial products and processes. Within this broad area of research, metal nanoparticles are one of the most studied nanostructures due to their excellent properties such as large surface area and high surface reactivity, which are useful in a wide variety of application fields. Ag, Au, Fe, Cu and Pt have showed interesting properties as localized surface plasmon resonance, high antimicrobial activity and catalytic nature. Thus, this nanoparticles have been received a lot attention for their applications in a broad range of fields, including electronic, photonic, telecommunications, energy, biology and biomedicine. Different approaches of fabrication of metal nanoparticles such as chemical, physical, electrochemical, biological, and greener methods have been proposed. However, there is a growing need to develop ecofriendly techniques to avoid the use of toxic and hazardous chemicals as well as toxic and risky waste. In this regards, the known green synthesis method to obtain nanoparticles is one of the most studied process in the last decade, because it offers several advantages in comparison with other methods as it low cost of process, eco-friendly, single-step process, does not require any additional energy such as temperature or pressure, and their easily to scale up for industrial production. The use of plant extracts to synthetize metallic nanoparticles are the most popular bio-compounds, and several authors have explored with different part of plants such as roots, leaves, and fruits. In addition, nanoparticles obtained by this green method also have shown excellent properties to remove various environmental pollutants in aqueous media. In the last years, our research group is working on the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles through the use of endemic plants of Chile and we are also exploring their capabilities to remove pollutants. Until now, interesting results have been obtained with Ag nanoparticles and high-quality catalytic remotion of methylene blue have been observed. In addition, a greener method to obtain paramagnetic Fe nanoparticles have been development recently, which have demonstrated excellent properties to remove heavy metals and organic matter from water solutions.

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