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Palestra: Polymer-Derived Mesoporous Ceramics as Catalysis Supports and Co-Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation

04/12/2019 14:07

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O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química tem o prazer de convidá-los para assistir a palestra intitulada:

Polymer-Derived Mesoporous Ceramics as Catalysis Supports and Co-Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation

Palestrante: Dr. Abhijeet Lale

Universidade: Universidade de Limoges – França

Local: Auditório I do Departamento de Engenharia Química e Engenharia de Alimentos

Data: 05/12/2019 – quinta-feira

Horário: 13h30min – 15h00

Abstract: There is a trend toward more flexibility and an increased interest in “smart” and ”adaptive” materials with the objective to meet most industrial specifications. Nitrides and carbonitrides can be considered as such strategic materials. They attract increasing interest due to their properties targeted for future materials and technologies especially because they bear intrinsic multifunctionality through the synthesis of multi-element compounds. Inherent difficulties to the traditional techniques for manufacturing such multi-element materials can be overcome by the development of synthetic paths where chemistry of materials and ceramic science are combined rationally to process multi-scale complex solid state architectures. The Polymer-Derived Ceramics (PDCs) route offers new preparation opportunities in ceramic sciences. The molecular origin of preceramic polymers and the possibility to shape then pyrolyze them into advanced materials play a major role in the preparation of ceramics endowed with properties that reach far beyond those of existing materials. This presentation will be particularly focused on the polymer synthesis/processing/pyrolysis to design micro-/mesoporous nanocomposites as catalyst supports or co-catalysts for hydrolysis of liquid hydrogen carriers.

A Coordenação do PósENQ

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