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“Advanced Food Technology by Prof. Lorenzo Pastrana (INL)”

13/09/2022 09:00

Advanced Food Technology by Prof. Lorenzo Pastrana (INL)

Prof. Lorenzo Pastrana from the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) will be offering a course (in English) on Advanced Food Technology in the framework of the CAPES PrInt project at UFSC in the period of September 29 to October 4 at the EQA auditorium starting every day at 3.30 p.m. The course will be offered as an elective option by PosENQ and PPGEAL to all interested students. For registration, please send an email to ppgenq@contato.ufsc.br.

Prof. Pastrana is currently Chair of the Research Office and Group Leader of the Food Processing and Nutrition Group, at INL. He is also a Professor of Food Science at the University of Vigo where he was the Director of the Center of Research transference and Innovation (CITI) and Head of the Knowledge Transfer Office (2009-2010). He founded the Galician Agri-Food Technology Platform (2006) engaging academic institutions and companies to pave the clusterization of the sector.

INL is the first International Intergovernmental Organization in Europe to conduct world-class research and development in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It is the result of a joint decision of the Governments of Portugal and Spain, taken in November 2005. The installation of scientific equipment began in October 2010 and so far, INL has been involved in more than 50 industry-driven projects, both direct and co-funded at national, European, and international level.

The course “Advanced Food Technology” aims to provide students with a general understanding of the scientific foundations of new and emerging technologies for processing (high hydrostatic pressures, ohmic heating, pulses of light, radiation, etc.) conservation (active packaging), and personalization (3D printing) of foods. The course will move away from academicism to focus on the perspective of industrial reality and the market through the selection of case studies of real applications in processing companies or suppliers of processing and conservation technology in different food sectors. The course will present the technologies to those currently in use and those alternatives that allow adapting to the new market trends both to extend the shelf life of fresh and refrigerated products and increase their quality and safety, as well as to make processes more efficient, develop new foods and obtain new ingredients and biomolecules with improved or functional qualities (particularly in relation to health).

The course will present the following topics:

  • THERMAL TECHNOLOGIES. Ohmic heating; Radio frequency; Microwave; Sous vide cooking.
  • NON-THERMAL TECHNOLOGIES. High Hydrostatic Pressure; Radiation; Ultrasounds; Magnetic field; Light pulses.
  • ADVANCED PACKAGING AND PRESERVATION SYSTEMS. MAP; Active packaging; Smart packaging; Edible coatings and films.
  • TECHNOLOGIES FOR FOOD PERSONALIZATION. Self-assembling process for texture modification; Oleogels and fats structuring; 3D printing.

More Information: https://posenq.posgrad.ufsc.br/discentes/calendario-academico-e-grade-de-horarios-2022/grade-de-horario-2022-iii/


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