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New Course on Activated Carbons Offered by Visiting Professor Jaroslaw Serafin

15/07/2024 11:08

The Department of Chemical and Food Engineering (EQA) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) is pleased to announce a special course offering titled “Tópicos Avançados em Engenharia Química Activated Carbons – Preparation, Characterization and Application“. This course will be conducted by Professor Jaroslaw Serafin from the University of Barcelona, taking place from August 19 to August 23, 2024 in Auditorium I of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering at UFSC. 

Course Overview: This advanced-level course is designed for Master’s and Doctoral students in Chemical Engineering, as well as those in related fields such as Food Engineering and Materials Science. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of activated carbons, covering their preparation techniques, characterization methods, and various industrial applications. 

Course Content: The course is structured into five detailed modules: 

1. Introduction to Activated Carbons: Definitions, properties, and industrial significance. 

2. Preparation Techniques: Physical and chemical activation methods and their comparative analysis. 

3. Characterization Methods: Techniques for assessing surface area, pore size distribution, and structural properties. 

4. Applications of Activated Carbons: Environmental and industrial applications including water treatment, gas purification, and energy storage. 

5. Optimization of Adsorption Processes: Factors influencing adsorption, design strategies, and case studies. 

Instructor Profile: Professor Jaroslaw Serafin holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Barcelona, where he specializes in hydrogen production via photocatalysis and thermocatalysis, as well as CO2, H2, and CH4 adsorption and MXenes. His extensive research and expertise in the field make this a unique opportunity for students to gain cutting-edge knowledge and skills. 

Course Logistics: 

– Dates: August 19-23, 2024 

– Mode: The course will be delivered in English, in a hybrid format (both in-person and online), depending on the enrolled participants.

– Credits: 1 credit (equivalent to 15 hours of theoretical instruction)

– Evaluation: Participants will be assessed through individual questionnaires at the end of each module. 

–  Teaching Plan

About the University of Barcelona: The University of Barcelona (UB), established in 1450, is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education. Known for its academic excellence and groundbreaking research, UB is consistently ranked among the top universities globally by Webometrics and Times Higher Education rankings. 

This course, made possible through the CAPES PRINT program, reflects UFSC’s commitment to internationalizing its graduate programs and fostering academic exchange. 

For more information and to enroll, please contact us via e-mail posenq@contato.ufsc.br with the subject: Matrícula Disciplina Tópicos Avançados (Activated Carbons).

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