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PALESTRA “Enhanced Performance of 3D Printed Catalytic Convertors in Exhaust Emissions Aftertreatment”

29/10/2024 08:12

Dr. Aidan M Doyle

Reader in Industrial Chemistry

Department of Natural Sciences

Manchester Metropolitan University

Chester St.

Manchester M1 5GD

United Kingdom

Dr Aidan M Doyle is a Reader in Industrial Chemistry and academic lead for the Low Carbon Fuels and Transportation Research Group at Manchester Metropolitan University. His BSc and PhD were conducted at the University of Limerick, followed by a Johnson Matthey plc sponsored postdoctoral position at the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society and a visiting position at the Catholic University of Leuven.

He has published over 50 papers in leading journals, has an h-index of 26 and over 2,400 citations. Since joining Manchester Metropolitan University, Dr Doyle has secured grants totalling over £2m and led projects in nanoporous materials, zeolites, heterogeneous catalysis, exhaust emissions abatement, and low carbon fuels. He works closely with industry and has both national and international reputation as the ‘go to’ expert who initiates and manages projects that impact major world problems.

Auditório II do Departamento de Engenharia Química e Engenharia de Alimentos.


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